Arts And Crafts As Springboard For Sustainable Development And Industrialization In Nigeria


  • G. O. Irivwieri Department of Fine and Applied Arts Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria


Manual dexterity, handicraft, cottage Industry, entrepreneurial skill, traditional art, apprentice


This study sought to highlight the potentialities of Arts and Craft as
viable wealth creation area which government can tap and explore
through industrialization to create employment and boost foreign
reserve. Through a survey of the various Arts and Crafts practices in
the economy, a number of notable ones were identified and appraised
by isolating their distinctive capacity as springboard for sustainable
development and industrialization. It is found that the embrace of Arts
and Crafts as part of a model to fast track the industrial growth of an
economy meet with the ideals of the Millennium Development Goal
(MDG). Consequently, government should direct relevant agencies
to promote the setting up of Crafts and cultural industries that will
not only compete with imported goods but will boost the country's
foreign reserve.




How to Cite

Irivwieri, G. O. (2009). Arts And Crafts As Springboard For Sustainable Development And Industrialization In Nigeria. International Journal of Creativity and Technical Development (IJCTD), 1(1-3), 1–18. Retrieved from


