From Social Justice To Islamic Revivalism: An Interrogation of Sayyid Qutb's Discourseng
Sayyid Qutb, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamist fundamentalismAbstract
While Sayyid Qutb is an acclaimed Islamist and leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, that he has not been fully understood is confirmed by the persistent view that he laid the foundation for the prevailing 'Islamic terror and Islamist fundamentalism' all over the globe. Though there is a panoply of works that have attempted to explain and clarify this misunderstanding of Qutb's Islamic revivalism and reformism through a study of his writings and works yet the argument that his Islamic revivalism added to his zeal for rejecting modernity, leading to 'Islamic terror and Islamist fundamentalism' leaves some questions such as how did he move from a pure social justice crusader to an Islamist? Why did he hate America? Does his work provide inspiration for Islamic militancy, fundamentalism and terrorism? Did his childhood upbringing, education, works and Islamic revivalism give insight into the socalled phenomenon of 'Islamic terrorism still begging for answers. This paper is premised on the argument that Qutb, as a true African, despite his critical analysis and condemnation of the West and in fact all Muslim societies which he terms Jahili Societies, was totally opposed to all acts of terrorism as well as irrational and extreme interpretation of Islamic fundamentals. This is revealed in his revivalist and reformist works, especially Fi Zilal al-Qur'an, which
are still inspiring Muslims, especially his views on the rights of Muslim women and their place in modern society.
The original version of this paper was presented at the First Biennial Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan International conference, June 6-9, 2011.
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Anwar al-Sadat, In Search of Identity (New York: Harper, 1978), 66.
Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi, Mudhakkirat Sa’ih fi al-Sharqi al-‘Arabi, 2nd edition (Beirut: Mu’assasat al-Risalah, 1975), 66.
Muhammad Qutb, Sayyid Qutb al-Shahid al-A’zal, 2nd Edition (Cairo: al-Mukhtar alIslami, 1972), 23.
Asaf Husayn, Islamic Movements in Egypt, Pakistan and Iran (Great Britain: MansellPublishing Limited, 1983), 9.
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John Esposito, Voices of Resurgent Islam, Oxford, 1983, p. 78
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Muhammad ‘Abduh al-Islam Din al-‘Ilm wa al-Madaniyyah (Cairo: Dar al-Hilal, N.D.), 56-72, 84-97, 138-147 and 150-155.
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Hasan al-Banna, Majmu’at al-Rasai’il (Beirut: Mu’ssasat al-Risalah, N.D.), 10-25.
Ushama, “A Political History, 85-105.
Ushama, Sayyid Qutb, 26.
Salah ‘Abd al-Fattah al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad ila al- Istishhad (Damascus: Dar al-Qalam, 1991), 19-29 and Sayyid Qutb, Tiflun min al- Qaryah(Jeddah: al-Dar al-Su’udiyyah lin-Nashr, N.D.), 21, 37, 75-79, 120, 145-147, and 192- 196.
Salah ‘Abd al-Fattah al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad ila al- Istishhad (Damascus: Dar al-Qalam, 1991), 19-29 and Sayyid Qutb, Tiflun min al- Qaryah (Jeddah: al-Dar al-Su’udiyyah lin-Nashr, N.D.), 21 and Sayyid Qutb, Al-Taswir alFanni fil-Qur’an (Cairo: al-Dar al-Shuruq, N.D.), 5.
Qutb, Tiflun, 202- 207.
Qutb, Tiflun, 33.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 80-84.
John Esposito, Voices of Resurgent Islam.
Qutb, Tiflun min, 22-44.
Qutb, Tiflun min, 146-217.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 88-89.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 31.
Qutb, Tiflun min, 37, 145-147, and 192-196.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 126.
Salah ‘Abd al-Fattah al-Khalidi, Amerika min al-Dakhil 1st edition (Jeddah: Dar al Manarah, 1985), 21-32
Richard Mitchel al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun quoted in Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min almilad, 320.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 133 and 315.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad, 234.
Nasru Rejwan, Nasserist Ideology (New York: John Willey and Son, 1974), 42.
This observation of Hasan al-Banna was quoted and commented upon in Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad, 316.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 315.
Al-Khalidi recorded the story of these youth around Qutb in his Sayyid Qutb min almilad, 314 while denying that Qutb ever nursed the intention of establishing a new movement to replace the Muslim brotherhood butt he did not accept that Qutb related with these youth around him as a member of the brotherhood.
Both this observation of Qutb and the response of the General Guide of the brotherhood were quoted by Al-Khalidi in ibid, 328 yet he disagreed with the view that Qutb wrote as a member of the brotherhood.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 138.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 294-298.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 98 and 125.
Al-Khalidi Sayyid Qutb min al- milad, 294-304.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 144.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid, 144.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad, 337.
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Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad, 293-314.
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Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad, 350.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb min al- milad, 379.
Al-Khalidi, Sayyid Qutb al-shahid al-Hayy, 89.
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Haddad, “The Qur’anic Justification for an Islamic Revolution, 25.
Qutb, Sayyid Qutb al-Shahid, 1- 23, Husayn, Islamic Movements in Egypt, 9 and alSadat, In Search , 65-67.
J. Gould, et. al (eds.) A Dictionary of the Social Sciences (N.P. N.D.),674.
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