Development of Hybrid Rice Technology and Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria


  • Magashi Auwal Ibrahim Genetics and Plant Breeding in the Department of Crop Science, Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Kano State, Nigeria


Food, food security, hybrid rice, rice production


Food insecurity is a global phenomenon and statistics show that it is more intense in Nigeria and other developing nations. Anything that interrupts food supply and access or interferes with the utilization of food will lead to food insecurity. Fortunately however, unlike many countries, Nigeria is blessed with abundance of arable land for modern agriculture and enormous human resource and agricultural knowledge repository. The paper highlighted the need to increase yield per unit area of rice, one of the most important food resources in Nigeria. It briefly describes the effective scientific method of developing hybrid rice for Food Security. It also showed that, the use of hybrid vigour in first-generation seeds (or F1) is well known in achieving this goal. However, until about 30 years ago, its application in rice was limited because of the self-pollination character of the crop. In conclusion, the paper recommends adoption of Chinese technology of developing hybrid rice using two-line hybrids method, with yield advantages of 5 to 10 percent over those of the equivalent three-line hybrids method.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, M. A. (2020). Development of Hybrid Rice Technology and Sustainable Food Security in Nigeria. International Journal of Authentic Agriculture (IJAA) , 1(1), 42–54. Retrieved from


