Savings Behaviour of Co-operative and Non co-operative Farmers in Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Savings, co-operative farmers, non-co-operative farmers, Bayelsa StateAbstract
The study analyzes savings behavior of co-operative and non-co-operative farmers in Bayelsa State of Nigeria. The objectives are to compare the amount and frequency of savings of co-operative and non-co-operative farmers; to compare the determinants of savings among co-operative and non-co-operative farmers; and to determine the relationship between the co-operative membership
and propensity to save among co-operative and non-co-operative farmers in the State. The population
of the study comprised of 500 members of fifteen purposively selected registered farmers multipurpose co-operative societies in Bayelsa State. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. A total sample of 444 respondents (222 cooperative farmers and 222 non-cooperative farmers) was selected using multi stage sampling technique. Both primary and secondary data
were used for the study. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools of mean, table, frequency distribution, mean percentages. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using multiple regression models and The study revealed that cooperative membership stood out
as a significant determinant of savings in the comparison of cooperative and non-cooperative farmers. Furthermore, there is a significant difference in both amount and frequency of savings of cooperative and non-cooperative farmers. Co-operative farmers saved more than non- co-operative farmers. The study concluded that cooperative membership have strong effect in the propensity to
save. It was recommended that co-operative societies should be seen as critical partners in economic
empowerment and be given a pride of place in different economic sectors in Bayelsa State.
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