Farmers' Use Of Newspapers As Channels Of Agricultural Information In Ekiti State, Nigeria


  • Apata, O. M. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Services University of Ado-Ekiti, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


Newspaper, information dissemination, constraints of Newspaper and relevance of information


The aim of this study was to assess farmers' use of newspapers as channels of agricultural information in Ekiti State, Nigeria. As a survey, accidental sampling procedure was used to select 60 respondents from the three senatorial districts of the State. Questionnaire was used to collect data which was subjected to frequency count, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Linear regression was used for inferential analysis. The result showed among other things that many of the respondents receive information on timely planting, easy way of obtaining credit, improved varieties of crop and livestock, processing of farm produce and appropriate type of fertilizer application. Itwas recommended aomng others that adult literacy should be more encouraged in the rural communities so that farmers can have access to education thereby help them to make use of Newspaper and other print media for their agricultural information channel.


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How to Cite

M., A. O. (2023). Farmers’ Use Of Newspapers As Channels Of Agricultural Information In Ekiti State, Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 1–9. Retrieved from


