Constraints To Successful Fish Farming In Abak Local Government Area Of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


  • Effiong, J. O. Department of Fisheries Akwa Ibom State College of Agriculture, Obio Akpa, Nigeria
  • Abasiubong, N. D. Department of Fisheries Akwa Ibom State College of Agriculture, Obio Akpa, Nigeria


Fish farming, hatchery, Abak local government area


The constraints to successful fish farming in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State were investigated. The study area was stratified  into clans with a frame survey; and a random sampling method employed to select the thirteen fish farms, with each designated farming units-  from where the data were collected. Information was collected with the use of questionnaires and  personal interview, transformed into  data and computed with simple percentages for this work. It was discovered that despite the abundant aquaculture potentials of the study  area in terms of land, local feedstuffs, good climate and perennial streams; the impact of harvested fish was yet to be felt in the area. Lack of  feasibility study on sites selection, poor fish culture management methods, poor pond construction amongst others, were some of the major  constraints of fish farming in the study area. However, proper feasibility study on fish farm project, site selection, knowledge of fish farm  management practices, fingerling transportation from the hatchery; and a  running capital are some of the measures that would  remove the constraints. 



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How to Cite

O., E. J., & D., A. N. (2023). Constraints To Successful Fish Farming In Abak Local Government Area Of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 185–193. Retrieved from


