Climate Change And Poverty: Concerns For Botswana And The African Continent


  • Kgosietsile Maripe Social Work Department University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana


Climate change, poverty, livelihood, Botswana


Climate change poses serious challenges and takes centre stage in the global agenda as an issue calling for corporate strategies and appropriate measures by  countries, communities, and individuals. The United Nations and other actors  are responding to the challenge with the major focus on the development of strategies, and policy framework. These approaches set standards for relevant and contextualized country’s specific approaches to attain sustainable community-climate related livelihoods. On this premises, this  review is pre-occupied with Climate Change and Poverty as it concerns Botswana  and the African Continent. It was revealed from the study that current  trends indicate that Botswanans are gradually shifting from crop production and livestock to tourism partly due to drought related losses. Therefore, there is need for widespread Climate Change Community Education  (CCCE) and intensified advocacy at all levels of government in Botswana and the  African Continent. 


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How to Cite

Maripe, K. (2023). Climate Change And Poverty: Concerns For Botswana And The African Continent. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(2&3), 169–184. Retrieved from


