Effects Of Agricultural Practices On The Distribution Of Western Hartebeest (Alcelaphus Buselaphus) In Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria


  • Akinyemi, A. F. Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
  • Kayode, I. B. Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria


This study on the effect of agricultural practices on the distribution of Western  Hartebeest was carried out in Old Oyo National Park, using Rapid Rural  Appraisal (RRA), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods and structured  questionnaire to collect information. Animal census survey was also carried out  in the park using line transect method to determine the distribution pattern of  Western Hartebeest in Sites 'A' the core zones of the park without human  activities, and site 'B' the park with human and agricultural activities. T  distribution paired test, ANOVA and percentages were used for statistical  analyses. The result revealed that there is no significant difference in the  purposes of using fire but significantly differs in the distribution of Western  Hartebeest in both sites. Therefore, conservation education and  modern  techniques of agriculture such as planting of hybrids with high yield quality, pest  and disease resistance should be introduced to the farmers. Key Words:  Agricultural practices, Western Hartebeest, Old Oyo National Park 


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How to Cite

F., A. A., & B., K. I. (2023). Effects Of Agricultural Practices On The Distribution Of Western Hartebeest (Alcelaphus Buselaphus) In Old Oyo National Park, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(1), 121–130. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/jeiadc/article/view/63


