Factors Influencing The Adoption Of Agro-Chemical Technology By Small-Scale Farmers In Kwali Area Council Of Abuja Fct, Nigeria


  • Bello, M. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Nasarawa State University, Lafia Campus, Shabu, Nigeria
  • Ibrahim, H. I. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Nasarawa State University, Lafia Campus, Shabu, Nigeria
  • Salau, E. S. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Nasarawa State University, Lafia Campus, Shabu, Nigeria
  • Kaura, A. G. Abuja Agricultural Development Project Abuja (Federal Capital Territory), Nigeria
  • Age, A. I. Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria


agro-chemicals, agriculture, technology, Nigeria, productivity


The study was conducted to determine factors influencing the adoption of agro- chemicals technology by small-scale farmers in Kwali area council, of the Federal  Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. Structured interview schedule was used  to collect data for the study. Ten respondents were randomly selected from each  of the eight districts making the area council giving a total of eighty  respondents. Statistical tools involving means, frequency and percentage were  used to analyze the data. Ordinary least square linear regression was used to  determine factors influencing the adoption of agro-chemicals technology in the  study area. The results of the study revealed that gender, age, farm income,  marital status and years of farming experience have positive influence on the  adoption of agro-chemicals in the study area. Management of Abuja Agricultural  Development Project should endeavour to encourage farmers to  form strong coherent group such as cooperatives to control agro-chemicals prices supplied by input representatives. 


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How to Cite

M., B., I., I. H., S., S. E., G., K. A., & I., A. A. (2023). Factors Influencing The Adoption Of Agro-Chemical Technology By Small-Scale Farmers In Kwali Area Council Of Abuja Fct, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(1), 176–190. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/jeiadc/article/view/60


