Resource Use Efficiency In Sesame (<i>Sesamum Indicum L.</i>) Production Under Organic And Inorganic Fertilizers Applications In Keana Local Government Area Of Nasarawa State, Nigeria


  • Umar, H. S. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Nasarawa State University, Keffi (Lafia Campus), Nigeria.
  • Okoye, C. U. Departments of Agricultural Economics University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  • Mamman, B. D. Department of Agricultural Extension and Management College of Agriculture, Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria


Resource use efficiency, organic and inorganic fertilizers


The study examined resource use efficiency in Sesame Production under organic and inorganic fertilizers  applications in Keana Local Government Area, Nasarawa State. Multi-stage random sampling was used in  selecting 48 organic and 48 inorganic fertilizers users. Data were collected through structured  questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, coefficient of variation, production function and gross margin analysis. Results show that inputs were used not based on recommended rates by both  categories of farmers. On the average, farmers that applied inorganic fertilizer earned higher income than  those who applied organic fertilizer. Resources were used at sub optimal levels under the two technologies.  Therefore, it was recommended among others that extension agents should incorporate sesame farmers into their extension service so that they will be guided on the recommended quantity of  inputs to be used and be encouraged to substitute high cost inorganic fertilizer for low cost organic  fertilizer, applied at recommended quantity to ensure higher yield. 


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How to Cite

S., U. H., U., O. C., & D., M. B. (2023). Resource Use Efficiency In Sesame (<i>Sesamum Indicum L.</i>) Production Under Organic And Inorganic Fertilizers Applications In Keana Local Government Area Of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 2(1), 207–218. Retrieved from


