The Effect of Housing Systems on the Welfare of Pigs in Santa Sub-Division in the North West Region of Cameroon
Housing systems, piggery farmers, Santa Sub-DivisionAbstract
This study adopts the survey design to examine the effect of different housing systems on the welfare of pigs in Santa Sub-Division of north west region of Cameroon. A total of 50 copies of questionnaire was administered in Santa Sub-Division. The determination of number of questionnaire per locality was based on the piggery farmers population which is about 5000 in the locality. Through random sampling, 50 piggery farmers were chosen for the research. The data obtained are analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that the most common housing systems used by piggery farmers in Santa area are raised floor and deep floor litter systems. Pigs in raised floors suffer from lameness and injuries while those of deep floor suffer only from diarrhea. From a policy perspective, the study recommends that given that pigs in slated floor systems experienced fewer health hazards as compared to those in deep litter housing, piggery farmers in this locality should adopt the slatted floor system of housing in other to minimize parasitic infections as pigs will have no contacts with their faeces.
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