Application of Principal Component Analysis on the Body Morphometric of Nigerian Indigenous Chickens reared intensively under Southern Guinea Savanna Condition of Nigeria


  • S. R. Amao Lecturer in the School of Vocational and Technical Education, Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo, Oyo State. Nigeria.


Morphometric, genetic stocks, principal component analysis, Nigerian local chicken, indigenous chicken


The experiment employs the principal components analysis (PCA) on the body morphometric of three genetic stocks of Nigerian indigenous chickens reared intensively under southern guinea savanna condition of Nigeria. A total number of 300 birds comprises of 100 each of normal feathered, frizzled feathered and naked neck chickens are randomly selected from the pre-existing reared intensively birds in the farm. Data are collated on body weight (BDW), head length (HL), beak length (BKL), comb length (CL), neck length (NL), body length (BDL), wing length (WG), keel length (KL), thigh length (TL) and shank length (SL). The results from the morphometric measurements indicate that frizzled feather birds displayed superiority in terms of BDW, HL, BKL, CL, NL, TL and SL than naked neck and normal feathered chickens expect for BDL and KL which are favoured by normal feather birds. The pooled correlation matrix reveals that the values obtained highly positive significant correlation is noted between the BDW and HL, BLK, TL, WG, SL, CL and NL. For PCA, two principal components are extracted (PC1 and PC2). PC1 and PC2 contribute 83.14% of the total variance while PC1 account for 65.44% of the total variance. The screen plot indicates that only the first two components have eigenvalues greater than 1. This implies that only the first two components should be retained. The CL, SL, TL, BKL, HL and BDL contribute to the total variability of PC1 and these traits could use for selection in breeding programme to improve the body weight of the genetics stocks of Nigerian local birds.


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How to Cite

Amao, S. R. (2023). Application of Principal Component Analysis on the Body Morphometric of Nigerian Indigenous Chickens reared intensively under Southern Guinea Savanna Condition of Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 10(1), 1–12. Retrieved from


