Awareness and Perception of Local Communities towards Wildlife Conservation in Obi Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria


  • Kwaga, B. T. Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Federal University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
  • Khobe, D. Department of Crop Science, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria.
  • Ateh, G. O. Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Federal University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria 


Awareness, perception, conservation, wildlife, protected area


This study assesses the awareness and perception of local communities towards the conservation of wildlife resources in Obi Local Government Area of Benue State with a view of proffering suitable options towards wildlife conservation in the study area. One hundred and eighty copies of questionnaire were randomly and proportionately administered in six Wards of Adum, Adiko, Itogo, Odiapa, Obarike and Okpokwu out of the twelve existing Wards in the study area. Data obtained were subjected to descriptive statistics (percentage, pie chart, and histogram). The findings reveal among others 52% of the respondents perceived that wildlife conservation is for the establishment of game reserves, and few indicated that poaching is a major problem of wildlife conservation in the study area. The research recommended the enforcement of laws, enlightenment campaigns, and employment of the locals and provision of social amenities to the communities. 



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How to Cite

T., K. B., D., K., & O., A. G. (2023). Awareness and Perception of Local Communities towards Wildlife Conservation in Obi Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 6(2&3), 1–6. Retrieved from


