Access and Utilization of Climate Services among Vulnerable Communities in Nigeria: A Case Study of Isoko Communities in Delta State
Climate, Services, Access, Utilization, Vulnerable, Communities, Niger-DeltaAbstract
The devastating impacts emanating from climate related hazards cast doubts in the accessibility and utilization of climate services. This survey aims at investigating access and utilization of climate services among vulnerable communities in Nigeria using Isoko communities in Delta State as a case in point. Isoko land was selected for the study due to its high vulnerability to climate change especially as cause by flooding. Data for the study were obtained through questionnaire administration and content analysis of official documents. Analysis of data was done with the use of Statistical Packages of the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results indicate among others poor understanding of climate services by vulnerable communities in the study area a high positive correlation between usage of climate services and income, ownership of radio and television as well as local community groupings. The survey consequently calls for greater enlightenment programmes and the integration of local medium in the communication of climate services in the region for effective access and utilization of climate services by vulnerable communities in the region.
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