Effect of Nitrogen and Spacing on Yield and Yield Attributes of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) (Thumb Mest.) and their Interactions in Bauchi


  • Umaru, M. A. Department of Agricultural Technology College of Agriculture, Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic


Watermelon, Nitrogen, Spacing, Yield and Yield Attributes


This study is undertaken to investigate the effect of nitrogen and spacing on yield and yield attributes of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) (Thumb Menst). Field experiments were conducted during 2011 wet season at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi and Bauchi State Agricultural Development project, Teaching and Research farms, Bauchi. The treatments used consisted of four levels of nitrogen (0, 25, 50 and 75kg N ha-1) and three plant spacings (1.0x1.0m, 1.5.m x 1.5m and 2.0m x 2.0m). The treatments were factorially combined and arranged in a randomized complete block design. Results indicate that nitrogen significantly increased number of flowers per plant, number of fruits per plant, total fruit yield per hectare and marketable fruit yield per hectare. Days to 50% flowering were also attained earlier with application of nitrogen. Spacing however had no significant effect on yield and other yield characters observed. Result indicate among many others that existence of significant interaction effect between nitrogen and spacing on fruit number per plant at Bauchi State Agricultural Development Project (BSADP) experimental site. A combination of 50kg N ha-1 and 1.5m x1.5m spacing provided best yield in the study area. 


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How to Cite

A., U. M. (2023). Effect of Nitrogen and Spacing on Yield and Yield Attributes of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) (Thumb Mest.) and their Interactions in Bauchi. Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 6(1), 47–51. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/jeiadc/article/view/241


