Impact Of Temperature And Rainfall Disparity On Human Comfort Index In Enugu Urban Environment, Enugu State, Nigeria
Temperature, Human comfort index, Rainfall, heat, Urban environmentAbstract
The rate of changes in temperature and rainfall disparity constitutes severe impact on human comfort index in Enugu Urban Environment. The area is characterized with built-up structures, little or no vegetation cover and high urban heat island which affect temperature and rainfall distributions adversely. This study then becomes indispensable because of the continuous increase in the rate of changes in temperature and rainfall disparity over the years. Temperature, rainfall and human comfort index data for the period of 1970-2005 were collected for the purpose of establishing the rate of temperature and rainfall disparity as well as its impact on human comfort index within Enugu urban environment. Results show among others that temperature and rainfall over the years fluctuates wildly and has grave impact on human comfort index. The study established that the consequences of temperature and rainfall disparity are severe biodiversity and vegetation loss which affects human comfort index adversely. In that light, it then becomes expedient to promote Urban Planning-Meteorological Advisory Services, substantial planting of trees, adaptation measures and Specialized Research Programmes (S.R.P) in the area.
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