Environmental Sustainability: The Challenge For The Rural Women In Nigeria


  • Aluko, T. Department of Religious Studies Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria


Environment, women, Nigeria, farmers


Given our settlement pattern as evident in Nigeria, it is expedient to note that the country's population spread has shown considerably that we have older women and children dwelling within the rural areas of the country and doing subsistence job on their respective farms so as to keep them going. Given this trend, their quest for survival at the face of the eminent economic pressures has sent many into pursuing vigorously the best option in survival strategy with utmost aim of making life bearable for them within the changing society of ours by their subsisting on nature. The consequences of such effort demonstrated the government's total neglect of women's need. Therefore, this study looked at these issues from the feminist perspective as they relate to women's need. Also, the plight of the rural dwelling women, their survival strategy, the poverty syndrome and the planned action of the government in the effect to salvage the impending problems which women's quest for survival in the rural areas will cause the Nation as a whole have been studied. Our submission is arrived at as a result of our observations in villages such as Eye-Korin, Gambari, Lasoju, Gbede and Ote among others in Asa Local Government are of Kwara State in Nigeria. Consequently, this study proposes a premise for the re-awakening of all parties to the needs of not just women alone, but the environment that all must collectively preserve lest the consequential effects which such neglect will cause will be enormous.



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How to Cite

T., A. (2023). Environmental Sustainability: The Challenge For The Rural Women In Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(3), 39–49. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/jeiadc/article/view/186


