Factors And Rate Of Gully Erosion In Gombe Town, Gombe State, Nigeria
Gully, erosion, soil properties, Rainfall, Topograhy and Gombe townAbstract
The development of gullies is one of the severe environmental problems in Gombe town. It has threatens urban infrastructure, properties, lives and the physical growth of the town. Knowing the rates of gully development in the last decade helped explain the reasons for current land degradation. This work therefore aimed at assessing gully erosion in Gombe town. Data were derived from field measurements, satellite imageries, and laboratory analysis. Results from the interpretation of Spot 5(1999) and Quick Birds (2009) imageries and field measurements showed that gully variables (length, depth and widths) have significantly increased in the last 10 years. Laboratory analysis of soil particles revealed that the soils are dominated by sand. The values of Atterberg limits (liquid limits; plasticity limit and the plasticity index (PI), shear strength (cohesion and angle of internal friction) and bulk density values were low, soil chemical properties also showed that the soils are moderately acidic, contained low organic matter, and low exchangeable cations, with serious implication on biological methods of erosion control.
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