The Roles Of Nigerian Youth In Food Production : A Case Study Of Dekina Local Government Area Of Kogi State


  • Edoka M. H. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State
  • Otajele, S. D. Kogi State University Staff School, Anyigba
  • Adejo, S. O. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State. 


Youths, Food crisis/security, Agrofuel, Crude oil


Worst still in Nigeria is the recent intention to imitate the Western nations to divert lands hitherto meant for crop production to feed mankind,  to crops to feed automobiles (agrofuel). Our youths nowadays are not helping matters, as they consistently shy away from farming. It was at  this instance that this survey was carried out in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State to determine the roles youths play in ensuring  food security and/or crisis. The LGA has 3 major districts namely; Biraidu, Okura, and Dekina. From each district 30 youths were selected  through simple random sampling thus making a total of 90 respondents. Structured interview schedule was conducted on the respondents to elicit data. Descriptive statistics (Mean, frequency, and percentages) were used to analyze the data collected. The results show that aged parents were the major producers of food crops, and cassava was the major staple food produced in the area. Credit facilities should be provided to youths engaged in agriculture to serve as a motivating factor for them to remain in farming business. 



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How to Cite

H., E. M., D., O. S., & O., A. S. (2023). The Roles Of Nigerian Youth In Food Production : A Case Study Of Dekina Local Government Area Of Kogi State . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(1), 72–78. Retrieved from


