Relationships Between Various Maturity Groups And Size Of Wet Pituitaries Of African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus)
Clarias gariepinus, wet pituitaries, maturity groupsAbstract
This study was conducted to determine relationships between maturity of various groups of Clarias gariepinus and size of their wet pituitaries. The maturity groups of the fish species used during the research were unripe males, ripe males, immature females and mature females. Data were obtained and recorded according to sex and maturity groups. The data were later subjected to correlation and coefficient analysis. Results showed that increase in length of the specimen did not follow the same pattern as the increase in size of the pituitary. Diameter size of the pituitary gland was highest in mature female donors and least in unripe-male- donor group. Relative reproductive potentials were observed in the result of both the ripe-male and immature female groups. No significant correlation was shown between length of donor and size of the wet pituitaries. There seem to be a higher reproductive potential in the mature female donors. This might be dependent on reproductive process and the need of the fish breeders.
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