Microbial Load Analysis Of Fresh Mud Catfish (Clarias Anguillaris) And Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) In Lake Gerio, Adamawa State, Nigeria Using Two Different Smoking Kilns
Fishes, Quality, Traditional Smoking Drum, FUTY Improved kilnAbstract
Fresh mud catfish (Clarias anguillaris) and Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) collected from Lake Gerio in Adamawa State were smoked using two different smoking kilns in order to evaluate the microbial load in the fish samples. Variations were observed in the microbial composition contained in the samples. The samples from the traditional smoking drum had higher microbial load, higher peroxide values and higher moisture loss when compared to the FUTY improved processor. In terms of the microbial composition, gram-positive and gramnegative bacteria were identified for samples from both processors. Fungi identified include Aspergillus niger, Pennicillium spp, Rhizopus spp, Mucor spp and Neurospora spp. The quality of the smoked Clarias anguillaris and Oreochromis niloticus with reference to their various peroxide values were obtained after a 28 day storage period. The physico-chemical parameters of the four samples were also obtained. In conclusion, the FUTY Improved Processor (FIP) were of better quality products than the Traditional Smoking Drum (TSD) and was recommended for fish processors in Adamawa State.
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