Grinding Machine Noise Spectra In Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria


  • Ali Haruna Department of Physics Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria
  •  Agu, M. N. Department of Physics Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna, Nigeria


Noise level, temporary deafness, Sensitivity, A-Weight, Machinery


When we are exposed to intense noise levels some or all of the hair cells in the organ of corti may be damaged temporarily or permanently. Exposure to excessive noise for a short period of time may produce a loss of heavy sensitivity. Continuous noise exposure over a long period of time (years) is more damaging than interrupted exposure to noise, which permits the ear to have a rest and possible recovery period. The presence of low frequency noise in the noise generated by grinding machines in Kaduna metropolis can have adverse effect on concentration and memory.Thus, this study was carried out to assess the grinding machine noice spectra in Kaduna Metropolis using sound level meter (Digital, Testo 816) and Digital Hand Data Logger (DB-525).



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How to Cite

Haruna, A., & N., Agu,M. (2023). Grinding Machine Noise Spectra In Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(1), 157–164. Retrieved from


