Determinants For The Adoption Of Farming Technologies In Jenkwe Development Area Of Nasarawa State, Nigeria


  • Bello M Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Lafia Campus, Nigeria
  • Dauda S. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Lafia Campus, Nigeria
  • Okwu O. J. Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State,Nigeria 


Jenkwe Development Area (JDA), Technologies, National Agricultural Extension and Research Liason Services (NAERLS), Monthly Technical Review Meetings (MTRMs), Nasarawa State Agricultural Development Programme (NADP)


The study focused on the factors influencing the adoption of farming technologies among farmers in Jenkwe Development Area (JDA) of Nasarawa State of Nigeria. The research respondents consisted of 96 farmers from five districts of the development area selected through simple random sampling technique. Primary data were obtained by means of structured interview schedule administered to the respondents. The results were analysed using descriptive statistical tools involving frequency, percentage and means in respect to farmers' characteristics. Regression analysis using the Statistical package of Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to determine the relationship among the variables. The results showed significant negative relationship between adoption and number of farm plots and farm size positively significant correlation with years of farming experience and farm income. Based on the results, the study recommended that technologies dissemination to farmers should be based on economic benefit and assessable to all farmers in the study area.



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How to Cite

M, B., S., D., & J., O. O. (2023). Determinants For The Adoption Of Farming Technologies In Jenkwe Development Area Of Nasarawa State, Nigeria . Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries (JEIADC), 3(1), 65–71. Retrieved from


