Long Term Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from GSM Masks on Physiological Parameters in West African Dwarf Buck-Kids
Buck-kids, electromagnetic radiation (EMR), base station masks, reproductiveAbstract
Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanated from many different sources and occurs in various situations in everyday life need urgent public awareness over their potential detrimental human health effects. This study examined the effect of the base station Glo mask (≈1800MHz; 66.6W) on physiological parameters using West African Dwarf (WAD) buck kids. Twelve (12) bucks aged 4 months were randomly grouped into four treatments groups {Group I (<5m), Group II (75m), Group III (150m) and Group IV (>250m)} with three (3) buck-kids per group based on their proximity to the masks station using completely randomized design (CRD) for this study. Each buck was examined for physiological parameters using standard procedure. The results revealed that animals in the group I had distortion in the gonadal development and delayed sexual development effect (p<0.05) than other treatments. In conclusion, the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from base station affects some physiological parameters in West African Dwarf (WAD) Buck- kids. The findings support the administration of antioxidants to occupant of a residential building living close to the base station masks.
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