Counselling Behavioural Therapy Approach: A Panacea in Dealing with the Dangers of Indecent Dressings among Nigerian Youths


  • O. A. Olakojo Department of Educational Psychology, The College of Education, Lanlate, Oyo State, Nigeria


indecent dressing, Counselling Behavioural Therapy Approach


Indecent dressing is now a phenomenon among Nigerian youths. It has spread with strong tentacles in our society including churches, mosques and schools. This work sees Counselling Behavioural Therapy Approach as a panacea in dealing with indecent dressing and its dangers among Nigerian youths. The study uses Arnold Lazarus Behavioural Therapy to address the subject matter. Behavioural techniques adopted include modelling, relaxation, systematic desensitization, self-management programme and self-directed behaviour in dealing with such problem. It is discovered that indecent dressings and their dangers are viruses that ruin the society which should be dealt with seriously and in sincerity before it destroys the future of Nigerians. Based on the above, this study advocates that starting from the family, church and school to the larger society with all stakeholders playing their parts accordingly and as necessary indecent dressing should be discouraged in totality. Also, government should legislate against indecent dressing and have the appropriate dress code in our schools; these, among others would therefore serve as weapons in curbing the inappropriate mode of dressing among youths in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Olakojo, O. A. (2018). Counselling Behavioural Therapy Approach: A Panacea in Dealing with the Dangers of Indecent Dressings among Nigerian Youths. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 9(1), 29–36. Retrieved from


