Effects of Truancy among Primary School Pupils in Oyo State of Nigeria and the Possible Remedies


  • A. O. Adekoya–Olapade Department of Early Childhood and Care Education, Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Lanlate Campus, Lanlate, Oyo, Nigeria.


hookey, skudding, skuling, bunking, skipping, Truancy


This survey research was carried out to investigate the effects of truancy among primary school pupils in Oyo State and possible remedies. The researcher designed a self-developed questionnaire titled “Effects of Truancy and Possible Remedies among Pupils in Oyo State(ETEPPR)” The questionnaire was classified into two sections namely Sections A and B. Section A contains the personal data of the respondents which include Age, School, Class, Sex, Family types and Religion. Section B contains fifteen items on the causes of truancy using 4 Likert scale. Four hypotheses were tested using t-test for hypotheses 1, 2 and 3 and Analysis of variance for hypothesis 4.Hypotheses 1,2 and 3 were rejected since there were no significant differences while hypothesis 4 was accepted. Certain objectives were stated to be achieved for the purpose of the study. It is recommended among others that Government at all tiers need to provide necessary materials for the use of pupils in primary schools as well as adequate and proper planning by the policy makers and administrators. Parents should provide all necessary materials and be concerned about their wards. Teachers also need to give necessary and adequate care for their pupils within and outside the school premises. Also the role of school Counselors, Staff advisers and Headmasters should not be left undone in providing adequate support for their pupils in school. Government should legislate on truancy and state clearly the punishment that is meant for every offender including the ward’s parents. Education should be made compulsory for every child up to age 18.


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How to Cite

Adekoya–Olapade, A. O. (2015). Effects of Truancy among Primary School Pupils in Oyo State of Nigeria and the Possible Remedies. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 7(1), 35–41. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jspap/article/view/1640


