Influence Of Teachers' Participation In Decision Making On Their Morale In Secondary Schools In Abraka Metropolis Of Delta State, Nigeria


  • E. D. Nakpodia Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.


Nigeria, Abraka-metropolis, Secondary Schools, Motivation, Decision-making, morale, Teacher


This research was designed to undertake the influence of teachers' participation in decision making on their morale in secondary schools in Abraka metropolis of Delta State, Nigeria. Three research questions were raised and related hypotheses were formulated to guide the aim of the study. The design of the study was a survey based on ex post facto design. The universe of the study comprised all the secondary schools in Abraka metropolis of Delta State, Nigeria. The Metropolis has a total of 7 secondary schools, with a teaching population of 700 teachers. For the purpose of accurate, effective and efficient, all the secondary schools in the metropolis were considered as sample. The data needed for the study were obtained using questionnaire. The analyses of data were done by tabulating the responses, comparing the state of decision making, the age groups, and experience groups. One-way ANOVA statistics was employed to analyze the data. The findings based on the analyses revealed among others that there is a relationship between morale and the state of decision making, the age group of teachers and the experience of teachers. Hence, it was recommended among other issues that principals should always delegate responsibilities to their staff and make sure that they involve such staff in decision making in the schools.


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How to Cite

Nakpodia, E. D. (2011). Influence Of Teachers’ Participation In Decision Making On Their Morale In Secondary Schools In Abraka Metropolis Of Delta State, Nigeria . Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 3(2), 58–72. Retrieved from


