Users’ Attitude Towards Material Theft And Mutilation In Delta State Polytechnics Libraries, Nigeria


  • M. O. Nina-Okpousung Delta State Polytechnic Library, Ogwashi-Uku Delta State


Library, Users attitue, material, theft, mutilation, polytechnic


Academic libraries across Nigeria are concerned with the safety and physical integrity of valuable intellectual properties. The spate at which materials grow legs and disappear from the library shelves has reached unimaginable height. Users constant mutilation of very important library materials has caused other users frustration which eventually has very negative effect on library services. This study aimed at investigating users attitude towards material theft and mutilation in Delta State Polytechnics Libraries. The study examined systematically the factors influencing material theft and mutilation and how students' attitudes towards theft and mutilation of library materials can be curbed in the State polytechnics libraries. Descriptive survey method was used in carrying out the study, with a population of ten thousand and fifty actual users from the Delta State polytechnics libraries. Structured questionnaire was administered to three hundred students; equally to male and female users using the convenient sampling technique. Statistical analysis of simple percentage was done on the collected data. From the analysis it was established that male and female users had stolen and mutilated library material primarily because of a lack of publicity, laziness and greediness. Users will not steal and mutilate library material if Librarians themselves enforce strict sanction and penalty. Among the recommendations was that students should be taught the use of library as a general study course by Librarians with credit earning and sanctions should also be enforced by Librarians without fear or favour.


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How to Cite

Nina-Okpousung, M. O. (2011). Users’ Attitude Towards Material Theft And Mutilation In Delta State Polytechnics Libraries, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 3(1), 57–67. Retrieved from


