Effective Management Of Work Stress On Organizations' Productivity: A Survey Of Selected Commercial Banks In Warri, Delta State, Nigeria


  • Okon Lucky Department of Business Administration, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria.
  • Ujuju Lucky Department of Banking And Finance, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro.


Effective Management, Work Stress, Organizations


The study aimed at examining effective management of work stress on organizations productivity. Five commercial banks in Warri metropolis, Delta State were chosen for this study and questionnaire was administered on 75 respondents. The major research instruments were questionnaire and personal interview, while the data collected were tabulated and analyzed using simple percentage and frequency counts. The results indicated among others that there is significant relationship between effective management of work stress, organisation performance and employees job satisfaction. To this end, the study recommended enrichment and enlargement of jobs by management, improved communication, adequate staff welfare, participatory decision-making, good working climate, proper selection and placement among others for effective management of stress in the work place.


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How to Cite

Lucky, O., & Lucky, U. (2011). Effective Management Of Work Stress On Organizations’ Productivity: A Survey Of Selected Commercial Banks In Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 3(1), 93–98. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jspap/article/view/1575


