Revitalization Of The Contemporary Nigerian Economy: An Islamic Perspective


  • K. O. Sulaiman Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


Allah, belief, revitalization, Islam, Nigerian economy


This study is aimed at examining the Islamic perspective of the contemporary Nigeria Economy with focus on the Islamic concept of economic development such as fear for Allah, accountability to Allah and application of Allah's guidelines with a view to rejuvenating the mindset of people for a much better and fruitful society. The studywas literature review. It discussed the economic problems of Nigeria, such as fraud, money laundering, drug trafficking, bribery and corruption. Consequently, it was discovered that there had been various attempts by the Federal Government of Nigeria to alleviate and even curb the persistent economic problems ravaging the nation but has failed to tackle pragmatically the core economic problems of contemporary Nigerians. It was concluded that Islam is not merely a set of beliefs but has solutions to tackle and curb these problems.

Author Biography

K. O. Sulaiman, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Sulaiman, K. O. (2009). Revitalization Of The Contemporary Nigerian Economy: An Islamic Perspective. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 1(1&2), 133–143. Retrieved from


