Perception of Parents on Teachers’ Shortage in Rural Primary Schools in Delta State


  • James Urien Delta State University, Abraka


Teachers’ Shortage, Perception of Parents, Rural Primary Schools


The study examined perception of parents on teachers’ shortage in rural primary schools in Delta State. The descriptive survey design was used. The study population consisted of parents, administrators and teachers of rural primary schools in Delta State. A total of 275 respondents consisting constituted the sample. Proportional stratified sampling technique was used to select 25 schools from 6 local government areas across the 3 senatorial districts in Delta State. The instrument was “Teacher Shortage and Parents Perception Questionnaire (TSPPQ)”, validated and its reliability equally determined via a pilot study using test re-test reliability technique with a coefficient index of 0.83 was used. The research questions raised were answered using percentage for the study. The findings revealed that arents view teachers’ shortage to disrupt learning, limit relationship, hinders their children/wards achievement in rural primary schools. It therefore recommends that Delta State Teaching Service Commission should employ adequate teachers and provide good working environment.


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How to Cite

Urien, J. (2024). Perception of Parents on Teachers’ Shortage in Rural Primary Schools in Delta State. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 13(1), 1–13. Retrieved from