Sociolinguistic Assessment of the Attempts to proffer Solution to the National Language Question in a Multilingual Nigerian Environment


  • E. T. Enang Department of English, Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus, Nigeria
  • S. T. Udoka Department of English, Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus, Nigeria


environment, Sociolinguistic, Language, Multilingualism


This study takes a look at the multilingual posture of Nigeria in the light of
the national language question. It assesses the sociolinguistic factors that
had hitherto prevented attempts to proffer appropriate answers to the
national language question. It addresses from a different angle the age-long
Nigerian (black man) penumbra and the vexed issue of language question
in Nigeria as a conglomeration of many ethnic nationalities loosely existing
as a multilingual one-entity. This study keeps on bearing in mind the
frustrating roles which the dense multilingualism, multiculturalism and multiethnicity have hitherto played against the national desire and effort to choose
a national language for Nigeria. It is the intention of the researchers of this
work to re-assess the existing scholarly positions and opinions of contributors
on this issue in order to be in a better platform to proffer a lasting answer
and draw a conclusion on the issue which will be devoid of grounds that
would nurture threats to the cooperate existence of Nigeria and to the
language question. This study therefore, suggests among others that a dicey
matter such as the one on hand should be given a fair hearing at both the
lower and the upper houses of the federation legislature.


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How to Cite

Enang, E. T., & Udoka, S. T. (2019). Sociolinguistic Assessment of the Attempts to proffer Solution to the National Language Question in a Multilingual Nigerian Environment. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 10(1), 1–13. Retrieved from


