Assessment of Cost Indicators in Akwa Ibom State Basic Education System (2009-2015), Nigeria


  • E. E. Usabor Department of Curriculum Studies, Educational Management and Planning, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


Universal Basic Education, Total costs, Unit costs


This study assesses cost indicators in Akwa Ibom State Basic Education System to determine the percentage of budgetary allocation for Universal Basic Education (UBE) by assessing the total and unit costs between 2009 and 2015 academic sessions. The background of this study is free and compulsory education policy analysis based on cost indicators to ascertain if; the outcome has been in line with the United Nation’s benchmarks for Education for All (EFA) agenda of 2015. Two specific objectives are stated and two research questions are raised to guide the study. Population of the study is 5,866,009 pupils and students that enrolled in Akwa Ibom State Basic Education system in the six academic sessions under study. No sampling was done. The entire population was used for the study. The research design is the survey design, specifically the longitudinal time series survey is used. Data are collected from inventories of past documents using a researcher-made pro forma in the form of a checklist, since the study involves the use of secondary data. Data analysis is done using descriptive statistics (percentages, means and bar charts). Findings of the study reveal an average unit cost of N 69,319.83 and an average total cost of N 823, 761,973.33, with a constant 0.2% of budgetary allocation for Universal Basic Education between 2009/2010 and 2014/2015 academic sessions. From findings of the study, the researcher recommends among others: increase in the percentage of budgetary allocation for UBE to suit UNESCO’s suggestion of 16.6%; to help reduce the challenges of Basic Education System in Akwa Ibom State to its barest minimum.


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How to Cite

Usabor, E. E. (2017). Assessment of Cost Indicators in Akwa Ibom State Basic Education System (2009-2015), Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 8(2), 12–17. Retrieved from


