Integrating Electronic Information Resources in Polytechnic Libraries as Instrument of National Development in Nigeria


  • O. O. Eyaufe Information Studies Department, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
  • B. C. Adams Librarian, Delta State Polytechnic Otefe Library, Oghara, Nigeria
  • Brume-Ezewu Stephen Librarian in the Delta State Polytechnic Otefe Library, Oghara, Nigeria


Delta State Polytechnics, academic library, national development, Information resources/sources


This study surveys the importance of electronic information resources in tertiary education as instrument of national development in a developing country like Nigeria. It centres on the need to equip the Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe academic library with information resources/sources that meet the educational and research needs of the potential workforce needed for national development. A census comprising 270 HND final year students from electrical and electronic, mechanical and computer engineering departments from the Delta State Polytechnic Otefe, Oghara, Nigeria are used for the study. Questionnaire is used as instrument of data collection. Two hundred and seventy copies of questionnaire were administered on the entire population. Only 243 copies of completed questionnaire were filled and returned. Data obtained are analysed using frequency count and percentage. The study reveals that the Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe Library is not appropriately equipped as an instrument of national development to provide needed educational and research support to HND final year students for them to contribute meaningfully to the growth of the nation. It is recommended among others that the Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe Library should upgrade her collections by providing other information resources/sources such as print abstracts and indexes, newspapers/magazines, seminars/conference papers, technical/ scientific reports, online databases, online abstracts and indexes, electronic journals, electronic books, discussion groups, photographs and other visual sources and news group for enhanced research which gingers economic development.


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How to Cite

Eyaufe, O. O., Adams, B. C., & Stephen, B.-E. (2017). Integrating Electronic Information Resources in Polytechnic Libraries as Instrument of National Development in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 8(1), 53–61. Retrieved from


