User Education: An Essential Tool for Using Library Materials


  • H. S. Mshelia Department of Library and Information Science, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
  • G. B. Durman Department of Library and Information Science, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria.


use guidelines, library, Library materials, User Education


Library User Education (also called instruction), teaches the library user how to make the most effective and efficient use of library materials/resources. User Education encompasses all activities undertaken to help students become efficient users of information. That is knowing how to identify the information need. This work discusses the significance of user education, as user education on its part, aims at changing an individual behaviour and experience towards the use of library and other information resources. It also discusses the benefits and factors that militates against full implementation of under education. User education can only be successfully carried out if there is cooperation between library officers and other key-stockholders of the library. The work conclusively recommends that user education should form a part of the school curriculum.


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How to Cite

Mshelia, H. S., & Durman, G. B. (2015). User Education: An Essential Tool for Using Library Materials. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 6(3), 26–31. Retrieved from


