Impact of Problem Solving Approach on Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Mathematics


  • B. I. Nwoke Department of Mathematics Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education Owerri, Imo State Nigeria


approach, mathematics, students’ achievement, Problem solving


The study is carried out to investigate the impact of problem solving approach on senior secondary school students’ achievement in mathematics. The study is carried out in Owerri North local government area of Imo State. Based on the objectives of the study two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Quasi-experimental research method was applied in carrying out the study employing the pre-test post-test control type. A sample of 155 students was selected for the study from two purposively selected schools. A 25 item researcher made objective test question entitled “Mathematics Achievement Test” (MAT) with reliability co-efficient of 0.73 determined through KuderRichardson method (KR20) was used in data collection. The data were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions while the hypotheses were tested using t-test statistical tool. The result of the study reveals that problem solving approach of teaching mathematics enhanced students achievement. Based on the findings, it is recommended that appropriate problem solving approach should be applied by mathematics teachers in teaching so as to enhance students’ achievement in the subject.


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How to Cite

Nwoke, B. I. (2015). Impact of Problem Solving Approach on Senior Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Mathematics. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 6(1), 27–33. Retrieved from


