Higher-order Correlates of Gifted Students’ Motivation towards Science Learning in Turkey


  • M. S. Köksal Department of Science Education Faculty of Education, University of Inonu, 44280, Campus, Malatya, Turkey


logical thinking, critical thinking, motivation towards science learning, IQ


The purpose of this study is to investigate possible higher-order correlates
(IQ, logical thinking and critical thinking) of gifted students’ motivation
towards science learning. The study was designed as a correlational
study and it focused on 65 gifted students at the level of sixth, seventh
and eighth grades. The data was collected by applying Motivation
towards Science Learning Questionnaire, Wechsler Intelligence Scale
(WISC-R), Group Assessment of Logical Thinking Test, Critical Thinking
Test. The data was analyzed by applying Spearman correlation analysis.
The findings represented that motivation towards science learning of
gifted elementary level students were not significantly correlated by
logical thinking, IQ performance , IQ verbal, IQ total and critical thinking
scores. The findings refer to gap between motivation and cognitive
learning in gifted students.


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How to Cite

Köksal, M. S. (2014). Higher-order Correlates of Gifted Students’ Motivation towards Science Learning in Turkey. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 5(3), 1–9. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1401


