Security of Library Materials under Nigeria’s Depressed Economy


  • M. A. Chiwar The Polytechnic Library Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola, Nigeria
  • F. M. Minakaro The Polytechnic Library Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola, Nigeria


availability, Nigeria, depressed economy, library materials, Security


The challenge for librarians today is not just the acquisition of book and nonbook materials into the library, but the problem of safeguarding them to avoid
losses or damage. Like many developing countries of the world, Nigeria has also
been experiencing difficult economic conditions and this has affected a lot of
organizations including library institutions. Library services can only be
successful through the availability of library materials that satisfies the needs of
both present and future users. It is against this background that this work examines
how library materials can be secured under Nigeria’s depressed economy. The
study reveals that the dwindling economic fortunes of Nigeria coupled with
hyper-inflation has made it increasingly difficult for government to fund the
libraries adequately. Hence, this will afford libraries the opportunity to provide
adequate and multiple copies of highly demanded materials for their users.


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How to Cite

Chiwar, M. A., & Minakaro, F. M. (2014). Security of Library Materials under Nigeria’s Depressed Economy. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 5(2), 44–48. Retrieved from


