Effect of Professionally Qualified Teachers on Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Mathematics: A Case Study of Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State


  • A. O. Dele-Rotimi Mathematics Department, College of Education, Ikere Ekiti, Nigeria
  • O. P. Oyinlana Mathematics Department, Demonstration Secondary School, Ikere Ekiti.


mathematics, Students’ performance, professionalism, Teachers’ Qualification (TQ)


This study adopts an ex-post-factor and survey research designs in which there
were no treatment and manipulation of the subject. Instead, it involves the collation
of data from the records. The study aims at examining the effect of Teachers’
Qualification (TQ) on academic performance of Junior Secondary School
Students in Mathematics. The target population consisted of all Junior Secondary
School Students and Mathematics teachers in Ikere Local Government Area of
Ekiti State. Random sampling technique is used to select six secondary schools
out of which 100 students were sampled. Three hypotheses were analyzed using
correlation matrix and t-test statistics at the 0.05 level of significance. The results
show a significant relationship between JSS 1, JSS 2 and JSS 3 mathematics
performance. At the same time, significant correlation between Teachers’
Qualification (TQ) and Junior Secondary School Students’ performance in
mathematics. Based on the results of the findings, it is recommended that
government should always enforce professionalism in teaching. Employment of
professionally trained, competent and qualified teachers should be ensured by
the government, while in-service training should be conducted to no-professional
teachers who also assist in teaching.


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How to Cite

Dele-Rotimi, A. O., & Oyinlana, O. P. (2014). Effect of Professionally Qualified Teachers on Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Mathematics: A Case Study of Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 5(1), 60–64. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1378


