Learning Disabilities: Causes and Educational Strategies


  • S. A. Yakubu FCT College of Education, Zuba, Abuja Nigeria


Educational Strategies, Trait/symptoms, Learning Disabilities


A specific learning disability is intrinsic to the child and linked to neurological
dysfunctions, whereas a specific learning difficult in United Kingdom is seen as
a school issue, a mismatch between the child’s performance and what the
curriculum offered. This study explores the concept of learning disability with
the aim of identifying the traits or symptoms as well as causes and educational
strategies to overcome the disability. The study reveals a number of characteristics
or symptoms that are associated with learning disabled children. However, not
all children identified as learning disabled exhibit all the symptoms associated
with learning disabilities. Hence, it is recommended among others that the method
of communication between the teacher and the learning disabled children is
very crucial hence it should be direct, simple and meaningful.

Author Biography

S. A. Yakubu, FCT College of Education, Zuba, Abuja Nigeria


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How to Cite

Yakubu, S. A. (2013). Learning Disabilities: Causes and Educational Strategies. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(3), 101–108. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1353


