Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Ecosystem Conservation in Nigeria


  • A. I. Farounbi School of Science, Osun State College of Education, Ila Orangun, Osun State, Nigeria


climate change, biodiversity, Conservation, Ecosystem, ICT


It is becoming increasingly clear that man is unlikely to avoid the environmental
challenges resulting from his unsustainable practices; the result of which is
already noticeably triggering changes in agriculture; the incidence of forest
fires; flood and drought patterns, the movement of invasive species; biodiversity
loss, climate change and so on. This review is therefore directed towards
evaluating the application of ICT in ecosystem conservation in Nigeria. In the
course of the study, it was gathered that ICTs are transformative technologies
that put intelligence at the edges of networks, thereby maximizing users' capacity
to create and adapt. Such transformation as revealed include using ICTs to
improve practices in agriculture and forestry; monitor air and water pollution;
improve disaster warning and relief; improve the efficiency of the energy,
transportation, and goods and services sectors; and harness social networking
for transformative change. Hence, to better manage the environmental challenges
highlighted, there is the need to enhance the capacity to predict and track such
changes, develop appropriate management and adaptation strategies, and plot
a course towards better environmental management in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Farounbi, A. I. (2013). Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Ecosystem Conservation in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(3), 13–18. Retrieved from


