Improvisation of Instructional Materials for Introductory Technology: The Delta State Experience


  • O. K. Odu Department of Technical and Business Education Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


improvisation, Introductory technology


The study sought to identify how the teachers of introductory technology
improvise instructional materials for teaching and learning. The survey research
design was adopted. 150 introductory technology teachers in Delta State
Secondary Schools were sampled. The questionnaire had 22 major items which
fall into five categories namely: perception of the introductory technology teachers
towards improvisation; degree of awareness of improvised materials by the
introductory technology teachers; extent of utilization of improvised materials;
obstacles hindering improvisation of teaching materials in introductory
technology and extent of improvisation of introductory materials. Data was
analyzed using frequency and percentage and revealed that: introductory
technology teachers have positive perceptions towards improvisation. Teachers’
awareness for improvisation and the level of utilization of improved materials is
very low. Also a lot of obstacles confronted teachers from improvising and
teachers find it difficult to improvise instructional materials. The study therefore,
recommends among others, that all technical education programmes (including
introductory technology programme) should include a course on improvisation.
Practicing introductory technology teachers should attend regularly conferences
workshops and seminars on improvisation.


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How to Cite

Odu, O. K. (2013). Improvisation of Instructional Materials for Introductory Technology: The Delta State Experience. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(2), 9–16. Retrieved from


