Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction and Librarians' Performance


  • J. Ogungbeni The Library, Lagos State University, Ojo, Nigeria
  • W. Ogungbo The Library, Lagos State University, Ojo, Nigeria
  • ,J. Yahaya The Library, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos


Emotions, Librarians, Job Performance, Productivity, Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction


This paper investigates how moods or feelings of librarians can contribute to the
effective discharge of their traditional roles in the library system. Maslow's theory
of human needs, concept of job satisfaction, and emotional intelligence are
explained. Relationship between job satisfaction and job performance,
correlation between emotional intelligence and job performance of librarians
are reviewed. The paper established the fact that library contributes immensely
to the literary growth and overall development of anyone that uses its collections.
Therefore, librarians are not machines their psychological needs and feelings
are to be catered for in order to enhance their optimal productivity. The paper
postulates some factors that could contribute to the job satisfaction of librarians
and shows how their emotions could relatively be managed so as to enhance
their productivity.


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How to Cite

Ogungbeni, J., Ogungbo, W., & Yahaya, ,J. (2013). Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction and Librarians’ Performance. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(1), 53–61. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1314


