Approaches to the Problems of Discipline in Nigerian Secondary Schools


  • C. Akpokiniovo Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies Delta State University, Abraka - Nigeria


Nigeria, Schools, Punishment, Discipline, Strategies


Discipline is a way of ensuring conformity to rules and regulations in relation to
obedience to set standards by someone in authority. This paper deals with the
problems of discipline in Nigerian schools which has been associated with
punishment of varying degrees of severity. The purpose of it is not to see discipline
as punishment but as a control measure, a way of learning. Today, to some extent,
indiscipline has eaten deep into our children in schools as a result which may be
due to lack of parental control, value orientation, school management and the
wholesale acceptance of the European frame of reference among others. The
descriptive method is therefore employed so that discipline should be seen as a
necessity for social life and a standard for morality while punishment as a means
for instilling such discipline. The management and the personal approaches to
behaviour control were also looked at. Therefore, suggestions were made as to
how the classroom teacher can in the light of the preceding analysis; promote
the spirit of discipline in Nigerian schools.


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How to Cite

Akpokiniovo, C. (2013). Approaches to the Problems of Discipline in Nigerian Secondary Schools. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(1), 76–84. Retrieved from


