A Profession of many Faces: The Application and Relevance of Prayer to Social Work Counseling in Botswana


  • K. Maripe Social Work Department University of Botswana, Garborone, Botswana


Social Work, prayer, Counseling


The relevance and application of prayer to Social Work counseling is the basis
of a holistic and multi-dimensional approach to social problems. Practice must
not only consider its importance but its application in work with clients. If social
work which is a profession of many faces does not equip practitioners to
appreciate and value the spiritual expression of individuals, groups, and
communities, it would have failed to address problems in an integrated manner.
Although there are common principles and values used in prayer and social
work counseling such as confidentiality, client self-determination, and self
awareness, the author acknowledges that there are social work practitioners
who do not embrace spirituality and would consider prayer as irrelevant to their
work. This paper intends to demonstrate benefits of prayer in social work
intervention with individuals, groups, communities and nations, particularly in
the African context. It asserts that prayer is rooted in various traditional
communities, religious groups, and features in national ceremonies like
Independence celebrations, judicial legal year opening, and Kgotla meetings.


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How to Cite

Maripe, K. (2013). A Profession of many Faces: The Application and Relevance of Prayer to Social Work Counseling in Botswana. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(1), 27–38. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1305


