Examination Malpractices and Students’ Poor Performance in Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations in Nigeria


  • O. O. Boris Department of Curriculum and Instruction College of Education,Ikere - Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
  • A. .O. Awodun Physics Department, College of Education, Ikere -Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


students, Technological advancement, Education, Examination malpractices


This study adopts the theoretical research design to review issues in examination
malpractices as they influence students' poor performance in Senior Secondary
School Certificate Examinations in Nigeria. The result of the study reveals among
others that Examination malpractices have long graduated from the normal
'giraffe' at neighbours' work, using key points notes, textbooks, copying on
sheets of papers referred to as 'micro-chips', or copying on desks also known as
'desktop publishing', to a more advanced and more organized system of buying
question papers from examination bodies or corrupt bank officials entrusted
with the safe-keeping of the examination question papers. Examination
malpractices in Nigeria have attained a frightening proportion, they are
sophisticated and institutionalized. Efforts by government administrations and
stakeholders in the educational sector to curtail the ugly trend have not yielded
any good result. As a tool of discipline to curtail the ugly trend of examination
malpractices among others, the penalties for culprits should be made to cover all
categories of offenders, be it the candidate, teacher, lecturer, school administrator,
parents or guardian. In addition, the remuneration for examination supervisors
and invigilators should be reviewed upwards and such remuneration should be
promptly paid to prevent them from being tempted to get involved in the rather
lucrative 'business’ of examination malpractices.


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How to Cite

Boris, O. O., & Awodun, A. .O. (2012). Examination Malpractices and Students’ Poor Performance in Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(3), 8–14. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1299


