Gsm Technology And E-Cheating In The Nigerian Higher Institutions: A Case Of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua In Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria


  • G. O. Jimmy Department of Computer Science, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria


students, educational sector, E-cheating, GSM


As important as the GSM technology is, it has a negative effect in the educational
sector and this negative effect is of great concern. Most higher institutions in
Nigeria and other countries of the world are waging war against examination
malpractice. Yet the perpetrators or the cheats tend to device new methods to
continue their game through cell-phones technology and computers. Described
as E-cheating the cell phone technology is providing students a smart way to beat
the best effort of stakeholders to stamp out the menace. This research aimed
primarily at examining the GSM technology and E-cheating in the Nigerian
educational system. It also examined the various ways in which cell phones are
employed to cheat in examinations and research works. The study therefore
concluded that cheating is a monster that deprives a student's self-confidence
and natural sense of fulfillment. With this inclination, the study advocates among
others that maintaining a manageable class size and putting a stop to carrying
cell phone to examination halls as some of the ways of stemming out e-cheating
among students.

Author Biography

G. O. Jimmy, Department of Computer Science, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Jimmy, G. O. (2012). Gsm Technology And E-Cheating In The Nigerian Higher Institutions: A Case Of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua In Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 111–116. Retrieved from


