Electronic Learning And The Challenges Of The Digital Age For Library Services In Nigeria


  • T. C. Ogundipe Nigeria French Language Village Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria


digal age, challenges, library services, E-learning


This study gives an insight into e-learning and library services as well as the
challenges posed in this digital age. It highlights the need and benefit, for library
services and advocates the establishment of e-library unit and proposes for
information librarian to manage e-library resources. It is hoped that when the
challenges of e-learning initiatives for library services are met, it will increase
access, improve services, establish shearing partners with patrons, distance and
widely dispersed e-learners and with other institutions in the world. In conclusion,
there is need for the institutions to investigate alternative and independent means
of access to information highway or internet for teaching learning and research
purposes through such means as satellite communications, training and re-training
of information librarians. In line with the above challenges, it is therefore
recommended that all academic libraries in Nigeria must provide lecturers and
student's access to the e-library data bases (internet), and to ensure that
information from the database flow from Nigerian institutions to the global
database for accessing through the internet.

Author Biography

T. C. Ogundipe, Nigeria French Language Village Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Ogundipe, T. C. (2012). Electronic Learning And The Challenges Of The Digital Age For Library Services In Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 128–136. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1263


