Electronic Learning And Its Relevance To Effective Learning In Nigeria


  • A. S. Yaro Technical Education Department Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi, Nigeria


Internet, school environment, Electronic learning


It has been ascertained that the school environment in Africa and most other
developing countries are deficient of /and lack basic necessities and only a handful
of schools located in urban centers are connected internationally via the Internet.
The classrooms are mostly deficient and impoverished in terms of basic facilities
and amenities required for effective teaching and learning. There is also a high
pupil-teacher ratio in the urban classroom in our school systems. Based on these,
this study looked at the electronic-learning and its relevance to effective learning
in the emerging world. E-learning offers a more effective learning experience,
since the learner participates in the learning process and receives individual
attention, even when the instructor and the learner are at different locations. This
participation in learning is by itself a positive learning experience. The atmosphere
provided by e-learning allows more effective interaction between the students
and the instructor. Therefore, it can be as effective as the traditional classroom
learning environment where the space, seating, etc, could be inadequate. It is
therefore plausible that continuing professional development (CPD which sustains
the teacher on the job through exposure to professional renewal programs because
it is through the CPD that the knowledge and skills of existing teachers are
sustained and refined to meet the challenge of the modern realities of their job be
given it rightful place in the academic system.


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How to Cite

Yaro, A. S. (2012). Electronic Learning And Its Relevance To Effective Learning In Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 103–110. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1262


