Perception Of Library Users On The Services Rendered By Lagos State University Library, Ojo, Nigeria


  • A. S. Bello Lagos State University Library, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria


LASU, services, perception, library users


This study examined users perception of LASU Library resources. It adopted a
survey method and utilized a questionnaire, complemented with mostly none
open-ended questions to generate data, which were analysed using (SPSS)
Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Findings revealed that more users prefer
to use print materials than e-resources because of the inadequacy of the eresources. It was therefore recommended additional e-resources and adequate
funding of the library to cater for the provision of essential library resources so
as to effectively provide the range of services entrusted in it and satisfaction to
the library users.


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How to Cite

Bello, A. S. (2011). Perception Of Library Users On The Services Rendered By Lagos State University Library, Ojo, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(3), 54–64. Retrieved from


